The Government of India released Nu 960.275 million (M) for the Project Tied Assistance (PTA) Projects and Program Grant yesterday, a press release from the Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) states.
Deputy Chief of Mission Bishwadip Dey Embassy of India, Thimphu handed over a cheque of Nu 535.275 for PTA projects and Nu 425M for Program Grant to the GNHC Secretary Sonam Wangchuk, yesterday.
The Government of India has committed Nu 45,000M in the 11th Plan to Bhutan. It has committed Nu 28,000M for PTA, Nu 8,500M for Program Grant and Nu 8,500 m for Small Development Projects (SDP).
To date, the Government of India has released Nu 9,109.638M for PTA projects, Nu. 4,250M for Program Grant and Nu 1,780.655M for SDP. In total, the GoI has released Nu 15,140.293M.