Road: The farmers of Gongdue Gewog in Mongar will get a farm road connecting from Gorthung, about 34km from Gyelposhing town.
Ground breaking ceremony for the road construction was done by Lam Neten of Mongar on March 3. Present at the ceremony were Members of Parliament, Rinzin Jamtsho and Sonam Wangchuk.
The 8km farm road from Gorthung to Pam village will benefit 45 households.
Pam chiwog tshogpa, Leki Dorji said the villages are located far away from centres like school and basic health unit.
Tshering, 69, recalls walking all the way to Nganglam and Mongar town for hours carrying mandarin on her back. “Now with economic development, roads are coming to the villages. Life is changing fast,” said Tshering.
Villagers today can take their produce to markets in Gyelposhing and Mongar and return the same day.
Leki Zangmo, a mother of three said with coming of road business opportunities are also growing. Road for the farmers made earning some income from the sale of farm and dairy products much easier.
Gongdue Gup Tshencho Tshering said small development project budget won’t be sufficient for construction of the road and that gewog will propose new budget in the 12th Plan.
Tashi Phuntsho, Mongar