LG: A team from Zhemgang has been sent to Goshing gewog in lower Kheng to investigate a complaint lodged against the former Goshing gup by a mangmi candidate.
Though the dzongkhag election officer did not share the details, she said the complaint has been lodged.
According to lower Kheng’s returning officer, Sherab Gyeltshen, the complainant, who first contested as a mangmi candidate from Samcholing-Lemapong chiwog, verbally informed him of former gup’s involvement in corruption practices.
According to the returning officer, the complainant who lost the election from his chiwog and later contested for the tshogpa post told him that the former gup sponsored local footballers and uniforms for youth players.
Since the complaint has to be lodged with the dzongkhag, the returning officer guided him on procedures by filing a form.
He said the former gup, who is under the anti-corruption commission radar, was nominated from his chiwog and had even filed his nomination papers.
Since he has all the relevant documents, there is nothing that can be done to delay his nomination, said the returning officer. He confirmed that an official from ACC called him to ask about the former gup’s nomination.
Dzongdag Harka Singh Tamang said it would take about three days to decide on the complaint.
Lower Kheng, which comprises of Bjoka, Goshing, Ngangla and Phangkhar gewogs saw 60 percent voter turnout during the chiwog zomdu.
Except for a gup candidate from Bjoka gewog, who was disqualified because of his party affiliation, a total of 89 candidates will contest for the gup and mangmi posts from lower Kheng.
Tashi Tenzin