Fund: The Government of India (GoI) handed over a cheque for Nu 1.45 billion (B) to the Royal Government, yesterday, according to a press release issued by the Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC).
The fund will be used for the GoI Project Tied Assistance (PTA) projects for the School Reform Programme project.
The School Reform Programme is being implemented as part of broader reforms of the education ministry to improve the efficiency and quality of education services.
Under this programme, 37 Central Schools are being developed with adequate boarding and educational facilities/resources to cater to the educational needs of all children in their localities.
GNHC officiating secretary, Thinley Namgyel, thanked GoI for the timely release of funds. He said that Bhutan-India development cooperation projects are in advanced stages of implementation and efforts are being made to complete the projects as scheduled.
He requested Indian ambassador, Jaideep Sarkar, who handed over the cheque, to process the pending fund releases at an early date.
GoI has committed Nu 45B for the 11th Plan.
The commitments are Nu 28B for PTA, Nu 8.5B for Programme Grants, and Nu 8.5B for Small Development Projects (SDP).
As of date, GoI has released a little more than Nu 14.1B for PTA, Nu 5.1B for Program Grants, and Nu 5.09B for SDP.
In total, GoI has released a little over Nu 24.3B or 54.02 percent of the total committed funds for the 11th Plan.
Staff reporter