Phub Dem | Paro
Yaktsa and Nubri are remote villages under Tsento gewog in Paro that depends solely on yaks and cordyceps.
The people here grow cold season crops such as potato, spinach, radish, and turnip.
Earlier this month, the dzongkhag administration of Paro built five low-cost greenhouse in Yaktsa and Nubri with the aim to diversify the highlanders’ diet.
Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer (DAO), Tandin, said that the project was aimed at achieving vegetable self-sufficiency in the chiwog, at least during the summer.
The dzongkhag team helped the villagers make the beds and sow the seeds.
The low-cost greenhouse uses wood in place of steel poles.
“It is a pilot project. If it is successful, every household will get a greenhouse each from next year,” Tandin said.
Cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, mustard, coriander seed were given free to the households.
Due to fertile land and high quality manure, he said that the dzongkhag focused on organic agriculture, as it was feasible in the chiwog.
Each greenhouse cost Nu 12,500.
Tsento Mangmi Chencho Gyeltshen said that years ago similar greenhouse project was tried but failed due to heavy snowfall.
He, however said that the project won’t fail this time as they used woods in place of steel.
Nedup from Yaktsa expects a bountiful harvest from the greenhouse soon.
He said that the highlanders had to buy the vegetables all the way from Paro town and had to hire horses to transport the essential items.
Nedup said, “Besides potato and turnip, we can now focus on different vegetables.”