GyalsungBhutan’s National Service, was launched simultaneously at the four Gyalsung Academies in Khotokha in Wangdue,  Pemathang in Samdrupjongkhar, Gyalpoizhing in Mongar, and Jamtsholing in Samtse yersterday.

His Majesty the King graced the launch ceremony at Jamtsholing Academy in Samtse, and addressed Gyalsups at their various academies from there.

His Majesty thanked the armed forces, praising their devotion and courage, and said that they will continue to be relied on to make National Service hugely successful.

His Majesty also thanked the Gyalsung core team, ministries, departments, civil servants, and the people of Bhutan, particularly the parents of the Gyalsups.

“The National Service has been built based on who we truly are. It is grounded in our courage, our resilience, our humility, our righteousness. It is based on our discipline, our culture, and our values. It is also built upon what we aim to achieve and where we envision Bhutan in the future,” His Majesty said.

“We are not going to leave anything to chance—everything is going to be by design. It is providence.”

His Majesty described the present as a momentous time in the nation’s history, in which decisions and actions we take today will determine Bhutan’s future as a strong, independent, sovereign nation into the next millennium. “What we do here today will live on, in the time of our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren, and long after we are dead and forgotten,” His Majesty said.

His Majesty also spoke about Bhutan’s goal of becoming one of the most relevant countries in a catchment area of two billion people, and the comprehensive and major initiative—a transformation—being carried out to secure our future.

“We will have to make up for the numbers we don’t have with talent, coordination, discipline, intellect, and by fully understanding the world we live in, down to every minute detail. We will have to take full advantage of our sovereign prerogatives, guided by our sensibilities and ambition,” His Majesty said.

“It is our good fortune that we get this honour and privilege of building that beautiful Bhutan,” His Majesty said.

“We all love our country very much. We are proud of who we are. But I truly believe we can become even better. The world has not seen who we really are or what we are capable of. I intend to unleash that potential. Every single step we have taken so far has been to amplify who we are, to reinforce our identity, and to align it to a prosperous, stable, and bright future.”

Promising to visit them frequently, His Majesty expressed confidence that Gyalsups will see tremendous transformation in themselves and one another, and embody the values that will enable them to achieve great things.

His Majesty conveyed Bhutan’s gratitude to India’s Prime Minister Modi and the government of India for their invaluable support, encouragement, and contribution.

Over 2,000 Gyalsups are part of the historic pioneering batch, whose three-month training period begins with the launch today. During this period, Gyalsups will undergo basic military training (BMT) interspersed with lessons on national education, Driglam Namzha, Choeshey Larim, leadership development, life skills, and other activities that will prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
