Haa’s Dzongkhag Tshogdu (DT) endorsed a fine system for those who fail to show up for cleaning campaign every month.
The system was introduced to address the problem of waste in the dzongkhag.
A household failing to participate in cleaning campaign on the set date will be fined Nu 300.
The DT, which was conducted on March 9, decided that a vehicle would be provided for effective campaign.
Eusu Gup Nima Tshering said that when people ply along the gewog road, wastes from their houses are thrown all over the place and that tarnishes the health and aesthetics of the environment.
“It has become a challenge to manage waste in the villages. After discussing with people, we decided that starting this March, on 15 of every month, cleaning campaigns will be carried out,” Nima Tshering said.
Haa Dzongrab Phurba Wangdi said that when gewogs come up with such initiative, the dzongkhag would support it. “Even if the dzongkhag vehicle is not available, we will arrange one for the cleaning campaign every month.”
He added that uniformity should be maintained when it comes to the fine system. “When a fine system is only valid in Eusu but not in Samar, the system won’t become practical.”
Thinley said that cleaning campaigns will benefit all and that the initiative is relevant and laudable. “If all the gewogs cooperate and work together to solve the mounting issue of waste, concrete results can be achieved. But the system has to be uniform.”
The dzongkhag’s forestry officials have been conducting cleaning campaign on date 9 of every month.
“We do clean along the roads till Chelela, however, we have difficulty collecting wastes without vehicle,” said Thinley.
District health officer, Samten, said that it was doubtful if a vehicle could carry wastes from all villages considering Bji gewog alone has several villages. “If the vehicle doesn’t reach after wastes are collected, there are chances of wind spreading wastes everywhere, making the efforts of people go to waste.”
He added that every chiwog should have a dump yard for waste disposal according to a waste management system to help collection of wastes.
Thinley said that the landfill site at Anakha in Samar is almost filled.
Although the system is seen as an effective way to manage waste in the dzongkhag, delegation of responsibility is observed to be unclear yet.
The DT endorsed the fine system in all six gewogs and throm.
Besides Eusu, the dates of the cleaning campaign will be decided in the next DT session.
Rinchen Zangmo