His Majesty The King granted an Audience to volunteers participating in the 21st DeSuung training programme at Tencholing.
His Majesty spoke to the DeSuups about the vision behind the programme, which was initiated in 2011, and inspired them to play their part in nation building and in serving the country.
Including this batch of volunteers, who will complete their training on October 6, 2,516 DeSuups have been trained so far.
There are 147 volunteers in the 21st batch, which commenced training on September 5. Her Royal Highness Princess Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck is among the DeSuups undergoing the training programme.
His Majesty The King also visited the Wangdue Dzong construction site and inspected progress of the ongoing work there.
In the current financial year (2016-2017), the reconstruction project aims to complete the Utse, courtyard, and complete dismantling old walls. The Kuenrey of the Dzong was completed and consecrated earlier this year.