His Majesty The King met with the shopkeepers whose shops were washed away by the July 21 flood and inspected the areas damaged in Sarpang.
His Majesty also met with the dzongkhag officials and others involved in relief efforts.
Due to heavy rain over the past few days, the Sarpang river broke its banks and swept away the shops of the roadside market.
Upon receiving Royal Command, a relief team comprising of Royal Bhutan Army personnel, police, government officials, and DeSuups, joined by local volunteers, began relief work immediately after the breach to evacuate the entire town.
The shopkeepers and their families are safe, and food and shelter have been provided for those in need of assistance. The relief team continues to monitor the situation.
The armed forces and relevant government agencies are on high alert across the southern belt.
In the evening, His Majesty visited areas along the Maokhola in Gelephu to assess damages and risks posed to structures around it.
A water treatment plant which supplies water to the Gelephu thromde is among the structures along the river which would be affected by rising water levels.
His Majesty arrived in Gelephu on July 21.