I am very happy to be a part of this important occasion– the closing of the 10th Session of the Second Parliament. I am particularly happy to be able to address such an august gathering. The duties and functions of parliament are sacred, and of immense significance and importance.
Parliamentary discussions, conducted by our esteemed members of parliament, cover numerous and diverse issues in the interests of the nation and the people. The discussions and debate are not meant to settle individual or political differences. They go far beyond personal intentions, benefits, and motives.
In the process of debate on issues of grave national importance, it is inevitable that there will be differences of views, disagreements, and heated exchanges. But it is through such discourse- sharing of ideas and knowledge- that collective wisdom will emerge to serve the interests of the nation and the people.
The Parliament has the important function to ensure adequate checks and balances. In shouldering this responsibility, the members of parliament have worked diligently to ensure that oversights are corrected and challenges are addressed in a timely manner through parliamentary process.
The Parliament is also the institution that is responsible for the important task of balancing present needs and future goals. In the present context, we must serve to the best of our abilities. For the future, the Parliament must ensure that we frame the best goals, policies, and plans.
As we navigate an ever complex and changing world, the path ahead is neither clear nor easy. As we reach the cross-roads in the process of nation building, our parliament has played an important role in steering our nation on a path that fulfills our collective aspirations of attaining national self reliance, peace, happiness and prosperity for our people.
The mandate and responsibilities of the Parliament are grave. Noble thoughts and good intent are not enough. We require intelligence and skill to fulfill such a role. Above all, we need the sincerity and dedication that comes from true patriotism to serve the nation. As sophisticated and admirable as our competency and procedures may be, it is equally important that we show outcome and result.
With the blessings of our Guardian Deities, the guidance from His Majesty Drugyal Zhipa, and the complete support of our people, we are fortunate to witness immense peace, progress and prosperity exceeding our expectations. For this, I take the opportunity to thank the members of parliament for fulfilling their responsibilities.
I congratulate the National Council for having given their best to fulfill their responsibility of a legislative body and a house of review. The National Council has greatly improved the standard of parliamentary proceedings, and raised the quality of political dialogue. I have personally observed that the National Council has taken our national discourse far beyond rhetoric and mere eloquence, and contributed valuable ideas for the long term interest of the nation. I would like to congratulate Thrizin Sonam Kinga for his dedication in shouldering his responsibilities.
I commend the Opposition Leader Pema Gyamtsho and members of the opposition party, for fulfilling their role in parliament. They have provided a healthy opposition by not just opposing and being confrontational, but being supportive when required and providing the balance and broader perspective on governance.
I thank the government for your success at home and abroad. Bhutan has achieved commendable domestic socio-economic development, and is a nation well respected in the global arena. I express my satisfaction and appreciation to Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay who has been selfless and tireless in serving the nation.
Bhutan’s experience as a parliamentary democracy has been short but we have achieved a standard of governance and political maturity that could have taken many years. I hope and pray that the strengthening of democracy brings greater unity, harmony, and prosperity to our nation, and fulfills the aspirations of our people.
On the occasion of the conclusion of the 10th Session of the Second Parliament, I would like to offer my Tashi Delek to the Speaker, and to all the members of parliament.