Staff reporter
His Majesty the King’s maiden visit to Australia from October 10-18 marked a transformative chapter in Bhutan-Australia relations. This historic trip, which included Royal audiences in Sydney, Canberra, and Perth, not only strengthened diplomatic ties but also rekindled a deep sense of pride and purpose among the Bhutanese diaspora.
According to reports from the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in Canberra, close to 26,000 Bhutanese attended the Royal audiences, with participation rates exceeding 80 percent at each venue.
The Bhutanese were also extremely thrilled to see Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen, The Gyalseys and Gyalsem. For many, it was their first time seeing the Royal children in person.
The Embassy stated that His Majesty’s visit to Australia has boosted Bhutan-Australia relations by generating immense interest in Bhutan in the minds of the Australian people.
“The understanding of Bhutan, our values and our culture demonstrated through the King’s love for His subjects and people’s unconditional respect for their King is an immensely strong projection of Bhutan’s image and strength in Australia,” it stated.
This renewed interest is expected to lead the Australian government and private sectors to explore further avenues for cooperation with Bhutan, particularly in trade, investment, and tourism.
His Majesty’s meetings with Australian dignitaries, including the Governor-General, the Prime Minister, and the Premier of Western Australia, marks diplomatic interaction at the highest level, paving the way for enhanced cooperation in various fields.
A major focus of the visit was the Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC), offering Bhutanese a platform to clarify doubts and gain insights into the Royal vision. His Majesty emphasised that the GMC initiative aims to secure a promising future for all Bhutanese.
The Royal audiences in Australia provided a platform for Bhutanese to gain a deeper understanding of GMC’s potential to transform Bhutan’s economy. It was a rare opportunity to access first-hand information and appreciate the enormity of the journey ahead, the challenges and opportunities the GMC will create, and the resolve and solidarity required to achieve it.
The information shared by the GMC team has generated interest in GMC bonds, which is expected to attract substantial investment from the Bhutanese in Australia.
The Royal audiences also had a profound impact on the Bhutanese diaspora in Australia, reconnecting with Bhutan and a sense of purpose.
His Majesty’s visit was timely and provided a good perspective to thousands of Bhutanese living in Australia.
The Royal audiences were highly charged with emotion, and the sense of community, solidarity, and belonging was palpable.
His Majesty mentioned in all his royal addresses that Bhutan’s superpower is the deep trust and love that exists between the Monarch and his people. “It is only because of this high degree of trust that Bhutan can embark on a bold initiative like the GMC,” the Embassy stated.
The royal visit strengthened Bhutanese people’s love for their King and connection with their country and their roots, especially for younger Bhutanese who have spent a major part of their life in Australia.