An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system developed by Bhutan Telecom and Construction Development Corporation Ltd. (CDCL) will enable easy accessibility and integration of information for CDCL.
Until today, CDCL has been using software developed from outside Bhutan.
The manager of CDCL’s Information and Communications Techonology Unit, Payma Jumtsho, said that the software consolidates various modules of the organisation to a single system. “We had different applications used for different purposes such as tally, Drukpay for payment, and a different application for machine rate analysis. All of this will now be in the single system.”
The system will have information about procurement activities, selling records, and status of projects.
The system has seven modules – human resource, material management, projects, mechanical services, finance and accounts, and asset management, among others.
The web-based system is accessible to all the employees of CDCL. Employees of CDCL were trained to use the system in five dzongkhags.
Payma Jumtsho said that depending on the work of an employee, they would have access to different information.
He added that by using the system, employees could apply for leave and claim allowances. “We can also provide information immediately if asked by the management. With the system generating and collecting reports about various companies dealing with CDCL, keeping accurate data will be easy.”
The officials said that as the system is web-based, the users would not have to install the application on every computer.
CDCL’s chief executive officer (CEO), Phuntsho Gyeltshen, said that as the system was for small enterprises in the past, the procedures were time consuming and accessing to information and monitoring the activities was difficult. “There was a total disconnect between finance, accounts, and assets. The new system creates very good links between the different sections, gives us access to real time information, and is complete shift from the manual system.”
Payma Jumtsho said that access and updating information could be challenge in the rural areas. “In the rural areas, interent connection is not as good as it is in the urban centres.”
He added that the contractors and workers would, however, visit areas with good internet connectivity to update on the project’s progress and work.
The system development work began on July 13 last year.
Software development cost almost Nu 6 million.
Phurpa Lhamo