Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
Home minister Sherub Gyeltshen committed to support the proposal to reconstruct Mongar dzong.
Lyonpo made the commitment while attending the ongoing dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) during his constituency visit.
Dzongkhag tshogdu thrizin (chairperson) and Tsakaling gup, Karma Sonam Wangchuk, provided the opportunity to the minister to guide the DT. The minister was attending DT as an observer and member of Parliament (MP) and cabinet member from the dzongkhag.
Lyonpo Sherub Gyeltshen said that he was aware of the need for dzong reconstruction, as it was old. “I’ll do my best to approve at the ministry level without having to go to Parliament.”

Parts of the dzong are falling apart
He said that even it had to be deliberated in parliament he would support it. “Other MPs from the dzongkhag also promised to support.”
Tsakaling gewog proposed for the dzong reconstruction.
The chairperson briefed the house that the agenda was nothing new and had been discussed in a couple of DT session in the past, and dzong renovation was needed.
Mongar rabdey drungchen, Yeshi Gyeltshen, who was given a chance to talk about the dzong as a non-elected member, informed the DT members that the dzong’s wooden parts were ruined and it was risky for monks staying there.
He said that from 1954 to 1967, the dzong was a house with lay monks. “It was transformed to a rabdey with monks after people requested.”
He said they proposed for the reconstruction for the three past sessions but did not get support. “It would benefit if the dzong is renovated in 13th Plan.”
Narang gup and the dzongkhag tshogdu deputy chairperson, Tandin Wangchuk, and Mongar thromde thuemi, Namgay Dorji, supported the proposal.
“There isn’t even enough space for mask dances and spectators during the annual tshechu and to accommodate people during religious events,” Namgay Dorji said.
Kengkhar-Werringla MP, Rinzin Jamtsho, who is also on the constituency visit, said that the reconstruction was genuine and assured his support.
The DT resolved to submit the proposal to the home ministry for approval and funding.