Celebration: The His Royal Highness Gyaltshab Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, accompanied by Ashi Yeatso Lhamo, celebrated the 61st Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo at Kurichu Hydropower plant’s archery ground in Gyalpoizhing, Mongar yesterday.
Thousands of people had gathered for the celebration, including the newly elected local government leaders of the 17 gewogs.
HRH lighted butter lamps before the portraits of His Majesty The King and His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo.
Monks, dzongkhag officials and the people offered zhabten to His Majesty The King and His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo.
HRH and Ashi offered Tashi Khadar at the altar.
HRH took part in an archery match between Lhuentse and Mongar and granted tokha to the public gathered for the celebrations.
HRH and Ashi visited the Gadhen Chhoying Lhakhang where monks recited tshedup, thukmoen and lighted a thousand butter lamps.
HRH also visited the Gyalpoizhing Center School.
Tashi Phuntsho | Gyalpoizhing