Education Minister Norbu Wangchuk said that an endorsement proposal to include non-formal education (NFE) and Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) centre’s instructors a part of the civil servants and to place them at grade S5A was submitted to the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC).
This was in response to the concerns about benefits and wage of the instructors that Drukjeygang-Tseza MP Karma Dorji raised at the National Assembly yesterday.
Education Minister Norbu Wangchuk said that while meeting with the NFE instructors, concerns regarding minimum monthly wage and lack of retirement benefits were shared. “If these concerns are to be solved, the solution is to make the instructors a part of civil servants.”
As yet, instructors do not enjoy any kind of retirement benefits.
There are about 565 NFE and 672 ECCD instructors in the country.
The proposal recommends placing instructors at grade S5A, which will entitle the instructors with a minimum wage of Nu 13,350 monthly.
Although NFE instructors deal with adults, he said that both the instructors play vital role in developing a good foundation for education. “If the resolution is not accepted by RCSC, there is very little we can do in the 11th plan. However, in the next pay commission meeting, we will try and resolve the issue,” education minister.
There are about 574 NFE and 307 ECCD centres in the country today.
Phurpa Lhamo