G2C: In an effort to improve public service delivery in the dzongkhags, the G2C Office in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Management concluded a 10-day training for 20 dzongkhag service centre operators yesterday, according to a press release issued by the G2C Office.
The establishment of the dzongkhag Service Centres is an initiative of the government to improve public services in the dzongkhags. It is part of the mandatory indicators for dzongkhags under the Annual Performance Agreements (2015-2016).
The dzongkhag administration offers a host of public services, however till now there is no single point of service delivery for citizens. Citizens in the dzongkhags whom are mostly illiterate find it difficult to understand and navigate through the many bureaucratic procedures and processes in place. The Service Centre operation is at the core of providing efficient and hassle-free public services to our citizens in the dzongkhags.
The training programme was arranged to equip the dzongkhag service centre operators with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide services to citizens and to take the first steps towards realising the objectives set for the initiative. The training is also expected to fulfill the gaps in service delivery at the dzongkhags by way of having clarity in dispensation of services.
Staff reporter