Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during the meeting with Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay in Tokyo said that Japan would support establishing a Japanese Language Proficiency Testing Centre and a Judo Centre in Bhutan. The language centre is expected to enhance the employment prospects for Bhutanese youth.

Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay is in Japan for a four-day official visit to thank the government and the people of Japan for their friendship and generous assistance for a successful implementation of the 11th Plan.

Lyonchhen and his delegation arrived in Tokyo on April 10.

A statue of Thangtong Gyalpo along with a Kasho from His Majesty The King was also presented to the Mayor of Fukushima prefecture. The statue was a gift from His Majesty The King to the people of Soma city.

During the visit, lyonchhen called on the members of the royal family and ministers according to a foreign ministry press release.

Discussions on further strengthening the existing collaboration in agriculture, infrastructure and human resources development, health, education, information technology, rural development and employment were held. 

The press release states that Lyonchhen and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe discussed on bilateral relations, on regional and international issues of mutual interest and concern during a summit meeting on April 11.

Lyonchhen requested for Japan’s continued support to agriculture, including farm mechanization, infrastructure development, health, education, human resource development, information technology, rural development and employment, the press release stated.

He also met and interacted with the Bhutanese youth studying Japanese language under the Earn and Learn programme.

Lyonchhen’s delegation arrives in the country tomorrow. 

Staff reporter
