To investigate the current status of hydropower plants and power transmission network, two softwares have been developed under the University-Business Partnership Project between Germany and Bhutan.
A two-day workshop on the three years Project called ‘Modelling and simulation of Bhutan’s Hydropower Project Plants and Transmission Network’ began yesterday at the Le Meriden, Thimphu.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdient (DAAD) and German Academic Exchange Program have been funding the project since December 2013. Along with the University of Rostock in Germany, the College of Science and Technology (CST), Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC) and Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) had been working with the project.
The project investigates the current status of hydropower plants and if possible works towards the stability improvement of Bhutan’s Hydropower Projects through modelling and simulation research. The DigSilent Power Factory Software, the transmission network is used by the BPC while MatLab software which checks the modulation of Hydro Power Plant currently is used by DGPC.
An engineer with the DGPC Pema Lhamo said that the goal of the overall project is to create a dynamic model of the Bhutan Hydropower System.
“Through this, investigation can be done concerning stability, island operation, network and system optimisation of the hydropower plants which can be used for future reference”, she said.
Professor Herald Weber of the University of Rostock said it is one of the oldest universities in Germany and that it is important to encourage an exchange program between the two partners.
“The exchange program of faculties and students is essential to exchange ideas, get knowledge and new thoughts in solving problems,” he said.
The Managing Director of BPC, Gyem Tshering, said that BPC is the transmission and distribution company and plans to fulfill the mission to light each and every corner of rural areas in Bhutan.
“For now, we have achieved 99.87 percent of electricity coverage in the country but by the end of this year, we expect every hut to be lit in rural areas of Bhutan like Lunana,” he said.
After the initiation of the project, BPC has signed a memorandum of understanding for another project called ‘Modelling and Analysis of BPC Network’ with Rostock University.
Except for the 64 Megawatt Basochhu Power plant, the two teams have completed modelling and validation of hydropower projects in the country. The two-day workshop was organised to reunite the alumni of the project partners. The event had 50 participants, including dignitaries and guests.
Phuntsho Choden