Dechen Dolkar
The Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) issued a letter to Keventar Company in Kolkata, India, and five distributors after a video went viral on social media stating that Keventer milk was adulterated with water.
Officials confirmed that one tray of milk contained more water and they asked the company to compensate the buyer.
It was learnt that the consumer received Nu 694 from the company.
OCP investigated the issue in collaboration with Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA).
OCP’s chief programme officer, Jigme Dorji, said they have sought an explanation from the milk producer, Keventer Company in Kolkata and served a cautionary letter to the company reminding to closely work with their distributors in Bhutan to ensure that such lapses do not occur by ensuring checks within the supply chain, establish a proper product tracing and product recall system in case of such mishaps in the future.
“The company was warned that in the event of non-compliance and such mishap in the future, we would take action as per the Consumer Protection Act 2012,” he said.
OCP has also written to the authorised distributors in Bhutan such as Food Corporation of Bhutan (FCBL), Tashi Commercial Corporation, Sherza Ventures, DK Traders and Farm Mart, advising them to establish proper quality and safety checks of goods prior to distribution or sale, establish tracing and recall system in case any sub-standard or spoilt product is accidentally distributed and adequate and timely compensation to affected consumers.
Jigme Dorji said that Keventers expressed their regret for the mishap and reemphasised their commitment to quality products.
“They have assured us to check and improve the mechanism in order to satisfy the aspiration of consumers about their products,” he said.
He also said that the distributors in Bhutan expressed their commitment to ensuring food safety for consumers in Bhutan by abiding by the advisory provided by BAFRA and the OCP.
BAFRA officials claimed the adulteration was limited to only one tray of milk and in absence of a receipt, they are unable to trace the shop or company which supplied it.
Officials said their field offices have carried out inspections and checked the same brand of milk in all 20 dzongkhags, but there were no issues.
“We also carried out the thorough inspection of both Tashi Commercial and FCBL godowns, but did not encounter such adulteration,” an official said.
According to BAFRA officials, if such faulty products are found in the market, suppliers could be held accountable and made to refund or replace.
They said buyers should get receipts so that they could verify it.