LG: It is a battle of experience in Eusu gewog and optimism of the newbies in Katsho gewog in Haa. The aspiring candidates began their campaign on September 5.
Tenzin Jamba, who served as Eusu Gup for the last five years, said he has gained enough experience. “It is time now to demonstrate my capability,” Tenzin Jamba said.
If he gets elected for another term, his top priority is to complete all pending tasks listed in the 11th Plan. He said he would give his best to bring on board all the people while outlining the 12th plan. “I would like to develop plans and activities that are environmentally-friendly, GNH-based and within the budget ceiling,” Tenzin Jamba said.
Contesting against him is the former geydrung, Nima Tshering, who claims to have diverse experience. He resigned from civil service and worked for industries in Pasakha and Gomtu for more than 15 years before returning to the village where he served as a geydrung.
“Having served as a geydrung, I am better connected with the people because I understand their problems,” Nima Tshering said. Besides helping the people with paperwork, top on his agenda is enhancing the local economy and consequently improving living standards. “The way to achieve this is to promote livestock and agriculture activities and ensuring crop security,” the former geydrung said.
But for former tshogpa Ugyen Chungwai, who running for the post of mangmi currently, it is his last call. He is turning 60 and is the oldest candidate. “I wish to contest for the gup post, but my age would not allow me to do so,” he said, adding that he would like to climb the staircase of experience.
In Katsho gewog, Phub Dema is well prepared. She served as a tshogpa before. “It was disappointing to have only one woman gup in the last election,” the 30-year-old mother said. “A woman could give different perspectives to promote gender equality.”
Phub Dema added that while serving as a tshogpa, there were times when she thought she could give better solutions and decisions than those in power. This is one of the reasons why she chose to stand for the post of gup.
Samar gewog too has a woman candidate for gup, who will contest for the post with four male aspirants.
Competition is stiff in katsho with the homecoming of a young graduate who left his job in the civil service, Kencho defeated the former gup at the chiwog zomdu.
Kencho said he might be the least known among the candidates as he spent his life studying outside the dzongkhag and pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Darjeeling. He was then with Royal University of Bhutan.
“But I will not let you down,” he said, adding that he would spend time to review the previously implemented plans. “I will not decide for you but let you decide for yourself,” he told the voters.
The fight is getting intense with Sonam Wangchuk, who had lived all his life in the village, entering the field.
“As a villager, I know the problems people are facing,” said Sonam Wangchuk.
Tshering Dorji | Haa