After what seemed like an awfully lingering wait for many, particularly for students who sat school leaving examinations last year, Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment declared the results of Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC-Class XII) and Language and Culture Studies Certificate Examination (LCSCE – XII) yesterday.
Of the total 9,951 candidates from 52 Higher Secondary Schools who appeared the examinations, Tashi Wangchuk, a science student of Rangjung Higher Secondary School, topped the BHSEC category with 88.25 percent. Scoring a high of 77.57 percent aggregate, Tashi Dorji topped the LCSCE category.
Toppers and the cohort 2015 all, congratulations!
As we commend the toppers for having performed exceedingly well and wish them all the best in their future endeavours, we also look at options available for those students who could not excel as scintillatingly well. The critical strait where they stand today will demand of them to make heavy decisions.
Many will opt to go abroad to continue their studies privately. Those who wish to do so should take cautious steps and seek prudent and advised counsels. The many education consultancies that have flourished today shed their professionalism too often and put students’ academic career in jeopardy. We have seen that happen to many an individual pursuing higher studies abroad. Let that not happen to you.
While schools may be proud of having achieved 100 percent pass figure, it is upon school leaders to reflect whether their school system is giving students what they really need. Are our schools training students only to pass examinations or is their focus put also to grooming the pupils with right values, skills and knowledge? This is a serious question. If the latter does not receive pride of place in our schools, hitting 100 percent pass figure will amount to naught at all.
Schools should teach our children more than just methods of passing tests and exams. Schools should not be coaching camps where syllabus takes the back seat as pupils are urged to focus only on solving past board papers to prepare them for the final examination.
It is reassuring that we continue to achieve commendable pass percentage every year. But let not need to gain school fame defeat the real purpose of education in our schools. It will be a sad commentary on our educational success otherwise.