Dorokha drungkhag court on July 21 sentenced a 24-year- old man to 16 years imprison for murdering his mother this year.
According to the judgment, the man is charged with second-degree felony and sentenced to 16 years as per section 139 of the Penal Code of Bhutan (amended).
By law, the convict is liable to pay compensation to the family. However, since the father of the convict requested the court to waive off the compensation, the court agreed to it.
The incident happened on March 14 this year at Dorokha, Samtse, when the deceased went to wake her son up and asked to light a fire in the kitchen. The son who was angry with his mother took a kitchen knife and stabbed her.
The judgment stated that the convict, Buddha Kumar Rai, had intentionally planned to stab his mother, as there was evidence that he bought the cutlass from a nearby shop and kept in his room.
To destroy the evidence after the crime, Buddha Kumar Rai threw the kitchen knife in a nearby bush and fled the scene. The mother succumbed to the injury.
On interrogation, Buddha Kumar Rai confessed to the crime and told police that he had committed the crime out of anger and frustration.
Buddha Kumar Rai used to eat with his parents but was living alone in another house.
Tashi Tenzin