About 843 households in Paro are identified for the active community testing. The mass testing began in Paro yesterday and will continue today.
Woochu and Bonday under Lungnyi Gewog are identified as a high-risk area with the positive cases from Paro suspected to have been in these places.
As of yesterday, three medical team carried-out 605 tests.
Only one member from each household is tested. Preference was given to elderlies and active members who were always on the move.
According to health officials, symptomatic will undergo RT-PCR testing and rapid antigens for others.
Meanwhile, Paro dzongkhag administration issued a notification asking residents of Paro to inform their respective gewog administration office if they visited K Gangri building in Bondey and Chang Mendey between 1 pm on August 9 and August 10.
The notification states that those suffering from flu-like symptoms in these locations were asked to call the health toll free number—2000/1382.