Roads: The works and human settlement minister, Dorji Choden, recently inspected blacktopping of gewog centre roads and thromde development activities in Pemagatshel, according to a press release from the ministry.
Pemagatshel has a total of 137.98kms of identified roads to be blacktopped in Nanong, Chokorling, Dechenling, Khar, Chongshing, Yurung and Chimung. Among these, Dungmed, Nanong and Khar gewog connectivity roads totaling 52.3kms are completed and blacktopping on Chongshing, Chokorling and Dechenling roads are in the final stages.
Site engineers and contractors pointed out to the minister that fulfilling the required quality of blacktopping is a challenge owing to the condition of the gewog roads, heavy and long monsoon, soil instability and remoteness of the sites. It was also pointed out that the best climatic condition for blacktopping is limited while the contractual terms provide an implementation timeframe.
Despite quality suffering at some difficult sites, the minister noted that best efforts are being made to ensure quality. One of the most successful monitoring mechanisms to ensure quality and timely completion of the works has been the regular monitoring meetings and drawing mutual agreements on deliverable milestones based on the contract, the press release states.
Staff reporter