Staff reporter
The body of the one year-old missing girl in a landslide at Khoraypam, under Shumar gewog in Pemagatshel was found at 3pm on Aug 28. Police handed over the body to her relatives.
The landslide swept away their hut at around 2am. Her mother’s body was recovered from the muck of the landslide and her father was declared dead when he reached Pemagatshel hospital on Aug 26.
The civil servants, local leaders, de-suups, police, Bhutan Red Cross Society members, and volunteers carried out the search.
Meanwhile, a forester spotted the body of the third student of Bayling Central School in Trashiyangtse in Manas river in Panbang yesterday. The parents identified the body.
Four boys from the school went to the Serkang stream, which is located about 20 minutes walk from the school, for swimming on Aug 8. One of the boys escaped as he went to the toilet after a quick dip when the flash flood occurred.
The bodies of two students were recovered and handed to their parents.
The three boys, two were 18 years and one was 19 years, were studying in class XI Arts and were staying in the hostel.
Edited by Tshering Palden