The Mithun breeding centre in Wangdigang, Zhemgang, which was shifted from Wangkha in Chukha, is facing another dilemma of being shifted from the present location.
The Zhemgang dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) proposed to shift the centre to Dolepchen or Neychen in Subrang chiwog of Trong gewog last year.
Trong gup Wangyel said the proposal was made after the watershed management team’s recommended the need to shift the centre to save the streams near the centre.
The gup said the gewog administration is still waiting for a response from the Department of Local Governance (DLG) regarding the shifting of the current Mithun breeding centre in Wangdigang. “It has been almost a year but they did not receive any response.”
The streams near the centre are the main source of drinking water for Zhemgang throm and to some villages in Trong gewog.
Gup Wangyel said the two new places gewog identified in Subrang chiwog have large dry land with streams suitable for the farm.
The gup said the centre has no immediate impact to the water sources but could have an impact in the long run.
“The Zerthangpai stream, which is near the centre, is also identified as a water source for the town to pump water from in the 12th Plan,” the gup said. “At present, some parts of the town is still facing water problem frequently.”
Meanwhile, the centre’s livestock production supervisor (LPS), Phuntsho Wangdi, said the issue was raised in the DT but nothing has happened so far. “We had no official talks or letters between relevant agencies regarding the issue.”
He said although the water source for Zhemgang throm and Trong villages are located at the outskirt of the centre, it is within the reach of the cattle, as they are not attended.
The centre’s manager, Ugyen Dorji, said he questioned the DT about the cost of shifting, as there is no budget from the government to shift. “It will be expensive and difficult to shift.”
He also said that there is no direct impact to the water sources, as it is far from the centre and even if the animals reach the source, it won’t have much impact as it is being sourced through pipes.
With at least five permanent structures in place, the manager said it would cost about Nu 3 million (M) to shift. The centre has a total area of 16.28 acres and 107 registered Mithuns including three breeding males.
Tashi Tenzin