Contradicting the education ministry and RUB’s decision
The Mongar dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) held earlier this month decided to maintain the Gyalpoishing Central School (GCS) as a higher secondary school if not a central school.
The decision was made after the education ministry decided to close the school by the end of 2018 after allotting the school campus and infrastructure to the newly established Gyalposhing College of Information Technology.
The DT decided to forward its resolution to the education ministry.
Mongar thromde ngotshab Namgay Dorji raised the issue on the need to maintain the central school or a higher secondary school, saying Gyalpoishing town needs the school.
He said that handing over the school infrastructure to the college might not make sense, as the college might dismantle the infrastructure.
Saling gup Choney Dorji said the school caters to students from Saling gewog, Gyalpoishing throm, Khenkhar and Weringla. “If the school closes by the end of 2018, students from these places might suffer.”
Drepoong gup Sangay Tenzin said that even if the higher secondary school remains, it would not affect the college since there is ample space. “The school will benefit the entire dzongkhag.”
However, some gups did not support the motion.
Drametse gup Kinzang Tshering said that with the development of Gyalpoishing town, there would be a higher secondary school in future.
Khenkhar gup Pema Chodup said it is not fair to have a college, a higher secondary school and town in Gyalpoishing.
He said upgrading Khenkhar Lower Secondary School to a central school would help students from Jurmey gewog.
Mongar dzongkhag’s chief education officer, Wangchuk, said the central school will be handed over to the college by the end of next year as per the written agreement between the education ministry and Royal University of Bhutan (RUB).
He said that based on the proposal of local leaders, the education office, led by the dzongdag, held a meeting with college officials. “The faculty said the school infrastructure would not be of use for the college.”
Mongar dzongdag Ugen Sonam said that if there is a central school in Nagor Middle Secondary School in Silambi gewog and Khengkhar Middle Secondary School in Khengkhar gewog, the students could come to Gyelpoishing Higher Secondary School. “The communities will benefit.”
Tashi Phuntsho | Mongar