Nima Wangdi

At the question hour in the National Assembly on Tuesday, Home Minister Ugyen Dorji said that the reconstruction of Mongar Dzong may not be included in the 13th Plan.

This was in response to the MP for Mongar, Karma Lhamo, who asked whether the reconstruction of Mongar Dzong would be included in the 13th Plan.

“We need to decide on which dzong reconstructions to be prioritised in the next plan,” Lyonpo said.

Jurmi Wangchuk, MP for Drujeygang-Tseza, asked Lyonpo whether Jurugang and Namzhigang in Dagana could be made a separate gewog. The two Chiwogs are 100 kilometres from the gewog centre. He said the chiwogs could also be clubbed with Gesarling Gewog, which is closer to the chiwogs.

Lyonpo said that there are similar cases in the country like Dorokha in Samtse, for example. “Parliament in the future could discuss and consider.”

Lyonpo said that the ministry conducted a thorough study on the delimitation of gewogs involving all the relevant agencies. “I have asked taskforce to relook into the matter and submit the report again.”

MP for Khamdang-Ramjar, Karma Gyeltshen, asked Lyonpo whether the mule track from Gongza to Jangphutse, Thangdrang, Manam, and Chhemkhar villages under Toedtsho Gewog could be widened, as the road construction is not allowed due to security reasons.

Lyonpo, in a written response, said that the mule track from Gewog Centre (Khini) to Jangphutse was completed in 2020. “The government also spent about Nu 2M to construct the Nanglagang bridge to Thangdrang mule track which was completed in 2021.”

Lyonpo said the construction of farm roads that are close to the international border points is not encouraged in view of security sensitivity. “The proposed construction of Khamdang-Menlha and Thragom-Melongkhar farm roads are also on hold for the same reason.”
