Twenty-four lopens from the zhung dratshang (the central monastic body), who have been placed in central schools across the country, are attending life skills education in Paro.
Organised by zhung dratshang and RENEW with support from UNFPA, the training that started on July 24 provides a session on current social issues related to domestic violence, gender-based violence, violence against children and sexual reproductive health.
A press release from RENEW stated that the training provides practical skills to respond to issues related to children and youth in the schools and community.
“The training is an open forum for extensive deliberation on how to respond to the difficult situation under different circumstance based on 10 core life skills,” it stated.
Participants asked training facilitators on issues concerning social and cultural values in the society.
They asked if wearing inappropriate dresses could be construed as misuse of rights and if RENEW educates youth on cultural values.
A facilitator said that while they cannot say that it is wrong to wear inappropriate dresses, they educate youth on the dangers of wearing such dresses and how they can prevent it.
The press release stated that participants felt the training was a good opportunity for them to understand the complexity and challenges of the issues and that they have gained knowledge. “For RENEW, this is one of the best ways to reach the unreached and especially our children and youth.”
Tashi Dema | Paro