The truck parking in Babesa, Thimphu, which was constructed recently, will accommodate about 100 trucks.
Thimphu Thromde’s chief engineer, Karma Jamtsho, said that the thromde needed a bigger truck parking out of the city area. “We had an area in Babesa. We don’t want the trucks coming into the city crisscrossing the core and causing traffic.”
He said that there was a need for a designated parking for the trucks that had to be stationed overnight in Thimphu after delivery of their goods from other places. He added that the previous truck parking in Changzamtog would be developed into a craft bazaar.
The handicrafts shops near Taj Tashi would be relocated to the previous truck parking area.
Karma Jamtsho said that the thromde sent notice informing the truckers to park their trucks in the new parking about two months ago. “But some people are still parking on the previous truck parking.”
The thromde, he said, was seeking the help of the police to create awareness among the truckers to park their trucks at the new parking space.
The thromde has plans to introduce pay and use system at the parking in the future.
Karma Cheki