Yangchen C Rinzin
No one would be allowed to travel out of Thimphu in next 48 hours. The second lockdown in the capital was declared in the early hours yesterday.
Based on the emergencies, however, people can come to Thimphu from other dzongkhags.
Thimphu Thromde and super zones, which includes Thimphu Throm and peripheral areas of Debsi, RTC area, Gangchey, Nyezergang in the south, Kabesa, Begana and Changtagang in the north have been put under lockdown.
A 25-year-old female, who visited the flu clinic at national referral hospital tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday.
Lyonchhen, during the press brief, advised people not to travel if not necessary.
“We have restricted movement outside Thimphu because the outbreak of Covid-19 positive case is from here,” Lyonchhen said.
All offices, institutions, schools, shops, and business entities in Thimphu Thromde and super zones will remain closed until further notice.
The delivery of essentials and zone wise relaxation will be initiated in the next 48 hours depending on the degree of transmission.
Lyonchhen had asked the people to stay indoors at least for next 48 hours. “We’ll keep informing the nation through various social media platforms and mainstream media.”
He said that people outside Thimphu should be vigilant and avoid travelling unnecessarily.
More than 38,000 people had travelled from Thimphu to other dzongkhags since December 7.
Lyonchhen said that the lockdown would enable health officials to trace and test all possible contacts in the next two days and would help determine the degree of transmission.
He reminded people to be careful and advised not to travel or celebrate any festivals in large groups.
Meanwhile, education ministry has advised all schools to remain closed until further notice.
Thimphu dzongkhag administration (TDA) has advised two schools, Wangbama Central School and Yangchengatshel Middle Secondary School to operate as a self-containment zone.
Dzongkhag official has advised teachers of these two schools residing in Thimphu Thromde not to travel to school until it is safe to move out of Thimphu. “We will test teachers before sending them back to school.”
TDA has asked Khasadrapchu Middle Secondary School to close because 17 teachers and five students reside in Thimphu thromde.
After one of the students of a Thimphu public school tested positive, who was a primary contact of the index case, 29 classmates, friends and teachers were also tested for Covi-19. Results have come out negative.
Call toll-free number 1010 for any question related to lockdown and Covid-19.