The only children’s park has remained closed for renovation for almost a year
Recreation: Paro town residents are disappointed that the only children’s park in Tshongdue has remained closed for almost a year in the name of renovation.
Residents said the town lacked recreational facilities and that renovation works are taking too long despite monetary contribution from the community.
A resident Gembo said there is hardly any place for his five-year old child to play in Paro. “Lack of recreational facilities, which is essential for growing children, is an issue,” he said, adding that the town also lacked recreational facilities for the elderly.
Paro’s municipal engineer Sangay Tenzin said they could begin the renovation works only this year owing to budget constraints. “We proposed the renovation budget last financial year but managed to get only Nu 600,000,” he said.
This year, Sangay Tenzin said, they sought additional monetary support from schools and the community to start the park’s renovation. Today, the park is equipped with all amenities for children. However, some minor works are yet to be completed.
“We hope to complete the works by next month,” the municipal engineer said adding that some school principals are helping them with the renovation work. “We are trying our best but people still complain.”
The children’s park located in the middle of the town was built a few years ago.
However, its outdoor playground facilities made from wooden planks did not last long. Soon it became risky for children after which the park was left unused for months.
Residents said the park should have been renovated by now so that children have a safe space to spend their free time.
“There were also instances where children were hurt which was why the park had to be renovated,” thromde thuemi Wangdi said.
Besides lighting, thuemi Wangdi said the park fencing had to be raised as well to prevent children from jump over. “As we just have a basketball court in town apart from the park, we know works have to be completed soon,” he said. “But we don’t want to work in haste and hamper quality.”
Thuemi Wangdi said people complained to him as well. “But with the limited budget, we are doing the best we can,” he said.
Recreational facilities, he said was essential even for the elderly. “I proposed for the development of an area by the Pachu near the municipal office that can cater to both the elderly and young,” he said. “But it failed to materialise.”
Thuemi Wangdi said that although Paro is considered a prosperous dzongkhag compared to others, Paro has nothing in terms of urban facilities.
Kinga Dema, Paro