Dechen Dolkar
The candidates of the Khamdang-Ramjar by-election in Trashiyangtse, which is scheduled for February 3, said that they cannot make major promises, as Parliament will complete its term in less than two years.
The candidates said that they were making pledges that were doable in two years.
Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) candidate Karma Gyeltshen, 53, said that he will focus on roads, as the time was limited. “My pledges are doable within two years.”
He pledges to carry out a feasibility study of a Basic Health Unit (BHU) at Tshanpochen in Toedtsho gewog.
He said that he will construct a ‘talam’ (mule track) from Tshanpochen to Jangphutshe.
The candidate has also pledged to construct farm roads from Bamchen to Sengphu and Zodaring to Nalangdung.
He said that he will carry out a study to construct a farm road from the Thragom gewog centre via Bumchang to Rolam, connecting with the Melongkhar BHU.
In Khamdang gewog, the candidate pledges to carry out a feasibility study to construct a concrete water reservoir and construct a farm road from Langkhar to Buyang.
He also pledges to blacktop the farm road from the gewog centre road via Shali to Langkhar, and carry out granular sub-base (GSB) laying from Khozor to the Yombu junction.
In Ramjar gewog, the candidate pledges to carry out a feasibility study and construct a bailey bridge at Dungmanma.
Karma Gyeltshen said, “People should understand that if they have candidates from the ruling government, the developmental activities will be executed.”
However, Druk Phuensum Tshogpa’s candidate, Jigme Tashi, 34, said that he could not make many pledges, given the time constraints.
However, he said that there are a few pledges that are doable in the remaining term of the government.
He said he would encourage the government to implement the 12th Five-Year Plan activities on time.
Jigme Tashi said that he will promote the constituency as a cultural and spiritual tourism destination.
He said that the number of domestic tourists visiting the constituency has increased over the years and he pledged to improve services to tourists.
He said that employment opportunities will be created within the dzongkhags in the hydropower sector.
“People should know about the budget constraint in the country due to the pandemic,” he said on the pledges of the ruling party candidate.
The election campaign started yesterday.