Staff Reporter
The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has created a Governance and Corporate Legal Service Unit.
A specialised and competent team in the field of corporate and financial law has been officially created on September 15 with two senior attorneys to conduct research, inception function and lead the unit.
Given the government contracts are weak with the emerging trends of losing cases, and high pre-trial costs compared to the outcome of the cases leading to a huge financial burden on the government, the unit was created, a press release from the OAG stated.
“The unit is mandated to bring reforms to the existing government procurement and contracting system, and review the dispute resolution process involving commercial disputes,” the release stated.
Further, the unit would support the OAG in delivering legal advice, drafting and vetting of government-related contractual documents and providing training and capacity development in relevant sectors.
“The prosecution of financial crimes is also to be strengthened by utilising financial expertise to analyse calculations and deduce uncontroverted figures, especially in tax evasion and huge embezzlement cases,” the release stated.
The harmonisation of contracts and procurement systems would not only be able to avoid litigation but ensure quality and timely performance of works and service by contractors and service providers, the OAG stated.
“Reforms on improving alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and resolving insolvency will go a long way in restructuring our justice system and contribute to the ease of doing business for our people.”