Choki Wangmo | Dagana

Lhamoidzingkha residents are thrilled with the completion of Farmgaon road GSB laying and blacktopping works within two months.

One of the oldest roads in Lhamoidzingkha gewog, the gewog administration handed over the 2.23km blacktopped road to the users last month.

Jigme Ghishing from Farmgoan said that the road condition in the past was particularly challenging during monsoon season. “We have to use this road to travel to the gewog office, highway, fuel depot, and to avail other services.”

She said that now children can walk to the early learning centre which was impossible in the past due to the poor condition of the road. Puddles, muddy potholes, and dusts posed risks to young children.

“The road quality is of good standard and the residents are happy now,” said Hemant Subba. However, he said that without drains, it might get easily damaged.

Lhamoidzingkha gewog mangmi, Laxman Chhetri, said that the road got blacktopped for the first time in decades.

The road that falls within the satellite town and connects Lhamoidzingkha town with Lhamoidzingkha-Gedu highway and is expected to benefit about 150 households of Farmgaon, Daragaon, Tsamzhigosa, Sipsuni, and Chongshamling.

Lhamoidzingkha chiwog representative, Leki Rinchen Waiba, said that the communities were happy with the work progress and delivery by the contractor. “The road was completed within two months.”

During monsoon, the heavy downpour makes it challenging for residents in the area. Lhamoidzingkha drungkhag remains cut off in summer.

With the fund support of Nu 4.07million from the then Gross National Happiness Commission, the gewog administration spent Nu 1 million to ensure that the road can withstand heavy monsoon, said an official from the gewog administration.

“The well-maintained road with GSB and blacktopping will benefit the residents in the gewog with clean and safe environment to work, travel, and live in,” Lhamoidzingkha drungpa, Kinley Dorji, said.

Laxman Chhetri said that the blacktopping was delayed in the past due to new Lhamoidzingkha town planning works, which is yet to start.
