Police: A new community police centre (CPC) was opened at Zawakha, yesterday.

Zawakha is located 32 km from the Wangdue Bridge.

This is the ninth CPC in the country. Currently, there are six CPCs in Thimphu, one in Nobdhing, Wangdue, and another in Kanglung, Tashigang.

The Zawakha CPC is the largest and boasts improved infrastructures.

The new CPC, according to the police chief, brigadier Kipchu Namgyel, will provide faster and timely services to people of the Athang, Dagar, Rubesa and Tshogwom gewogs, and also areas under the Punatsangchhu hydropower project authority II site.

The CPC is expected to provide the police with a faster response time and contribute to reducing the crime rate in the four gewogs. The centre will have 37 police personnel including a commanding officer.

Constructed on government owned land with PHPA funding of more than Nu 91M, the centre has 36 residential units for police personnel, officer quarters and a two-storied office building.

The construction of the centre began in July 2012 and was completed in 2014.

Police records show that the four gewogs: Athang, Dagar, Rubesa and Tshogwom have reported 32 criminal cases in 2012, 57 in 2013 and 32 in 2014.

Meanwhile, the police chief, dzongkhag and Punatsangchhu hydro project officials, local leaders and residents, and Wangdue police attended the ceremony.

The police plan to open more CPCs this year.

By Dawa Gyelmo, Wangdue
