Thinley Namgay
Kelzang Lhundup from Maenbi and Tshering Penjor from Minjey will vie for the upcoming 2023 National Council Election for Lhuentse.
Lhuentse saw only two aspiring candidates during the Dhamngoi Zomdu this time. Voters elected two candidates based on yes and no votes.
Dhamngoi Zomdus in Lhuentse concluded on March 8.
Maenbi Gewog on March 8 elected Kelzang Lhundup with 314 “Yes” votes and 30 “No” votes out of 344 voters.
On March 7, Minjey Gewog nominated Tshering Penjor with 204 “Yes” notes and 3 “No” votes from the 207 voters.
Kelzang Lhundup, 47, completed a Bachelor in Civil Engineering from KL University in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Kelzang Lhundup worked as a civil servant for 26 years. In the last 11 years, he served as a district engineer in Lhuentse.
Tshering Penjor, 39, completed his Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Management from the Royal Institute of Management, and Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Pune, India.
Tshering Penjor worked for nine years at Royal Audit Authority, two years in a private company, and more than three years in Australia.
Neither of the candidates participated in the past NC elections.
There are no aspiring candidates from Gangzur, Jaray, Khoma, Kurtoe, Metsho, and Tsenkhar gewogs.
Lhuentse’s election officer, Sangay Dendup, said the Zomdus in all the eight gewogs and thromde ended without any issue.