Loten Zangmo

Thimphu thromde’s first overhead pedestrian bridge in Olakha that was supposed to have been completed by last year is still incomplete.

Only the I-beam is laid as of now over the expressway in Olakha.

Thromde’s executive secretary, Karma Namgyel, attributed the delay in construction to the pandemic.

He said procurement of materials took long, as they had to import them from Kolkata. “There was also a shortage of skilled labourers.” Work also got stalled because of the second lockdown.

The thromde had also increased the bridge size to 5.4m height from 5.2m and 26m from 25m length.

Officials explained they had to adjust the size because of the site.

He said the overhead pedestrian bridge is expected to decongest traffic, as there are issues of pedestrians crossing the road.

The executive secretary said the overhead bridge in Olakha was a pilot project to test if the public would use it and how it would decongest the traffic. “If it is successful, we’ll replicate the same in other places like Lungten Zampa, hospital and Druk School area,” he said.

He said they would demolish the bridge if people do not use it. 

Meanwhile, the thromde is expecting to complete the bridge construction by mid March.
