The best intentions must not be implemented through wrong procedures

The Ministry of Finance plans to issue an amendment to the...

Substance abuse common among students

Of over 90 cases of substance abuse reported to the drop-in...

HC establishes enforcement unit

After establishing an enforcement unit in April last year, High Court...

Haaps fear extinction of yak herding practice

Kencho, a young herder who dropped out of school to help...

Last 13 off-grid villages in Sarpang to be electrified by 2021

Residents of Hariyo Muga in Gakiling, Sarpang, who were told that...

Reforming the drayang

The prime minister’s conditional offer to open the drayangs with proposed...

Singye Dzong visitors benefit locals

Khoma village in Lhuentse, a quiet village otherwise, has suddenly become...

Toilet ambassadors to survey toilet conditions

If toilets in an organisation are dirty, could it reflect the...

Haa DT withdraws cap on sawmills 

Haa Dzongkhag Tshogdu (DT) passed a resolution to lift the restriction...

Go on we must, and fight

The launch of Operation All Clear against the Indian militants by...

Baseball is the new sport in Bhutan  

Not many have heard of it and fewer people have seen...

BoB Bhutan Premier League

Thimphu City FC were crowned the champions of the BoB Bhutan...

Archery: a dangerous national pastime?

The national sport is entertaining. It is also dangerous. On November 14, a...
