The elected leaders and representatives have lately not lived up to the people’s expectations. Debates lack depth; MPs clearly aren’t doing their homework. This is a development that we need to nip it in the bud.
Voters have the right to hold their elected representatives accountable and they are already questioning their MPs’ credibility. The people have placed trust in the elected leaders who in turn must respect that trust. This is not happening.
The question is also why this could be happening. A likely reason. But MPs have no right to make jokes out of the sacred house that is parliament where laws are passed and the future of the nation and people secured.
A minister recently said that the government was more than willing to hand over the governance to the next government. Then came another one, who said it is not the government’s responsibility to create employment opportunities in the country.
The people will take them for what they are worth. They don’t want a phony politician representing them and their constituency. What seems to come off straight from these developments is that the people have now understood democracy deeply. And this is good.
Ministers have repeatedly made jokes out of the people’s genuine concerns. Goongtong, a serious issue facing the country today has no solution, a minister said. Another one said that it is not the responsibility of the labour ministry to create jobs. One went even further to say that Bhutanese people have begun to lay eggs. And who can forget the one who said an angry river has again entered the villages?
Then came the prime minister who advised people to walk if the fuel prices are shooting up.
The Speaker’s warning that MPs and ministers cannot be casual while speaking in the House must be taken seriously.
“Their statements should be meaningful and impactful,” he said. This is not happening. The Speaker also said that it is an unhealthy practice to take the videos out of context and share them on social media. With respect, we disagree. First of all, such videos are shared because they make no sense. The people are watching the debates. It is thanks to social media that we are getting to bring such issues to the fore.
What the Opposition Leader, Dorji Wangdi, said must be respected. He said that members should maintain their dignity and honour of the House. “We can have some humour, but cannot be reckless,” he said.
To the MPs: If not for anything else, at least respect parliament. You owe it to the voters and the nation to be serious and forward-looking.