Thukten Zangpo | Paro
Ugyen Tshering from Lamgong Gewog was re-elected as Paro’s NC member. He secured 3,547 — 2,681 from EVM and 866 in postal ballots.
The result came as expected by the people because most of the voters prior to voting said that they will go for one with experience.
Paro nominated five candidates for the fourth NC parliamentary elections held yesterday.
Jigme from Sharpa Gewog came second with 3,330 votes including the 526 votes in postal ballots.
Gyeltshen Dukpa from Loong-nyi Gewog secured 2,135 votes including 342 postal ballots.
Ugyen Dorji from Wangchang Gewog got 2,047 votes, and Zecko from Dokar Gewog obtained 882 votes.
NC-elect Ugyen Tshering said that people have supported him because he served well in the interest of people in past five years.
He added that he is overwhelmed by the support he received from the civil servants who voted through postal ballots.
“I thank all people of Paro for the support,” Ugyen Tshering said, adding that he would serve at his best in the next five years.
The dzongkhag saw a voter turnout of 57.2 percent. A total of 9,680 votes were cast on EVMs at 29 polling stations, 2,261 voted in postal ballots.
The Returning Office issued 2,411 postal ballots, and 146 got rejected.
Paro has 20, 880 registered voters-9, 941 were male and 10,939 were female.
Out of the 10 gewogs in Paro, there was no nominee from five gewogs, namely Doteng, Dopshari, Hoongrel, Nagya, Tsento, and Paro Throm.