Aviation: An Indian man, aged 80, died on-board a Drukair flight to Singapore, yesterday.

According to a press release issued by the national airline, the incident occurred 35 minutes prior to decent into Singapore.

The man, accompanied by his son, collapsed in one of the aircraft’s toilets.

Once the incident was brought to the notice of the crew and captain of the flight, an announcement for any doctors to come forward was made.

A paediatrician and a general physician responded. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was performed but the man could not be revived.

A medical emergency was declared by the captain and priority to the flight was provided by both the Kuala Lampur and Singapore Changi airport Air Traffic Controls.

A doctor and an ambulance was dispatched by Changi airport authorities to meet the aircraft upon landing.

As per Singapore regulations, Drukair handed over the body to Singapore authorities in the presence of the deceased’s family members.

“Drukair is offering all possible help to the accompanying family members,” it is stated in the press release.

The airline also did not clarify, as of last night, if the deceased had required a medical certificate to board the aircraft in Kolkata.

However, it is pointed out in the press release that the deceased is presumed to have been suffering from diabetes.

This is the first reported incident of a passenger dying mid-air on-board a Drukair flight.

Gyalsten K Dorji
