Her Majesty Gyalyum Tshering Yangdoen Wangchuck graced a ceremony to formally close the 7th Royal Bhutan Flower Exhibition, held in Mongar and Gyalpoizhing from May 2. Her Majesty was accompanied by His Royal Highness Gyaltshab Jigme Dorji Wangchuck and Ashi Yeatso.
The conclusion of the successful 7th Royal Bhutan Flower Exhibition was marked with the formal handing over of all the gardens and permanent installations by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests to Mongar dzongkhag. This means that while the temporary displays including manned booths will be removed, permanent gardens and installations developed for the event across Mongar and Gyalpoizhing will be maintained in perpetuity by the Mongar dzongkhag administration.
The ministry and dzongkhag have already prepared plans for the plants used for temporary display to be replanted in suitable locations in the different gardens.
Meanwhile, with the support of the Gyalpozhing College of Information and Technology, a virtual exhibition will be unveiled on www.flora.bt on May 21 for those who could not visit the exhibition venues in person.