Construction: Landowners in Dhamdara, Kabreytar, and Rinchending in Phuentsholing, waiting to construct houses, will now be allowed to do so with the Phuentsholing thromde completing the local area plans (LAPs) for these areas.

The thromde has also completed the plans for the core area, Pekharzing (Toribari), and Amochu.  However, demarcation is yet to complete for these zones.

A LAP is a detailed study and plan for infrastructural development of a certain area under the thromde.  After an area plan is complete, thromde will provide the area with basic and necessary infrastructural development, such as connecting connectivity of roads, water, and electricity.  Detailed plans of the land-use, sewerage systems, and infrastructure development, such as schools and hospitals, also fall in the LAP.

The construction of about six private buildings allowed in Dhamdara, Kabreytar, and Rinchending, meanwhile, is expected to ease housing problems in the town.

“The housing crunch is the reason why the thromde is trying to complete the plans as soon as possible,” thromde’s chief urban planner Tshering Phuntsho said.

The thromde has approved applications for 30 constructions in Phuentsholing, of which 11 are institutional constructions.  Construction works on six of the approved structures have not yet begun.

Tshering Phuntsho said there are five more LAPs to complete.  Plans for Khariphu and Pasakha are currently under preparation and it would take at least a month to three months respectively to complete.

Thromde will soon start LAPs for Toorsa Tar, Alley, and Pasakha industrial area soon.

Since the plans for the three areas near were completed, thromde officials also said applications for private constructions have started to come in.  Until today, thromde has received about 10 applications.

By Rajesh Rai, Phuentsholing
