Police: Paro got its first Community Police Centre (CPC) yesterday. The centre in Drugyel is the tenth in the country.
Chief of Police Brigadier Kipchu Namgyel said that CPCs are set up to build good relation bettwen police and the public, to win confidence of public and to prevent crime through active co-operation.
Paro is one of the dzongkhags with the highest crime rate in the country and Tsento is the sixth gewog in the dzongkhag according to crime statistics.
Establishment of CPCs has helped police create a positive relation with the communities, said Kipchu Namgyel. It has help reduce crime, particularly in places like Thimphu.
In 2014, crime rate dropped to 891 from 1,314 in 2013. According to police records, Thimphu recorded crime rate of 65 percent which dropped to 33 percent in 2014.
The first CPC in the country was established in November 2012. Six CPC was opened in Thimphu. Zawakha CPC in Wangdue the largest of all CPCs.
Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Project (GGP) donated six patrol cars for six CPCs in Thimphu last year.
The Royal Bhutan Police has plans to establish CPC in Chumey in Bumthang, Dewathang in Samdrupjongkhar and Rangjung in Trashigang and one each in Laya and Gasa.
By Dechen Tshomo