Nima | Gelephu
Police in Sarpang returned an anonymous case, alleging the principal of a remote school in Sarpang of touching the students inappropriately while beating them, to the dzongkhag administration.
The dzongkhag administration received the anonymous complaint last month and forwarded it to the police.
Police in Sarpang concluded that the complaint lacked evidence and their investigation also did not find any evidence.
Teachers, students, and parents from the school were called for the investigation.
Officials from the dzongkhag education sector said the case was dropped after the investigation did not find anything concrete as alleged in the complaint letter.
“The letter was directly written to the dzongkhag administration. We don’t even know who wrote the complaint letter,” an official said.
However, sources alleged botched investigation resulted in the case closure.
A source said the issue was reported to the dzongkhag administration after hearing about the principal’s inappropriate action from students and colleagues in the school.
It was learned that the investigation was done in the dzongkhag while the incident occurred in one of the gewogs.
“This had provided time and opportunity for the principal to persuade the parents and children who were travelling for the investigation to not share anything against the principal,” a source said.
Sources who followed the case closely said that an immediate investigation in the school could have resulted in something concrete about the case.
Meanwhile, the parents of the students who were allegedly molested came to know about the incident only when they received a call from the police for investigation.
A parent said that the school should have informed them before writing to the dzongkhag. “Maybe a teacher and principal are not getting along and complained.”