Crime: Thimphu police this month nabbed six suspects involved in 39 burglary cases in the capital. A police report said that while crime rate in general has gone down, burglary cases are on the rise.
On August 20, a 35-year-old woman from Hongtsho reported to Police Community Centre in Changjiji that some miscreants had tried to break into her house. The police intercepted two suspicious-looking boys at Yusipang who had a hammer, a gho, a black wallet containing Nu 1,800 and two dzee (cat’s eye) in the bag they were carrying.
The boys had stolen the bag, gho and the hammer from Hongtsho. They had stolen the dzees (one two-eyed and the other five-eyed) were stolen from Simtokha and Babesa. The 17-year-old boys were ex-convict and had served their sentence at Youth Development and Rehabilitation Centre in Tsimasham. One of the boys was released in July this year.
According to police the duo had met recently and were involved in a series of burglary cases.
One of the boys confessed that he was involved in 26 burglary cases (10 at Babesa, seven at Olakha, two each in Kabesa, Simtokha, Hongtsho in Thimphu, two in Samtse and one in Punakha). The other said that he has broken into eight houses (four in Hongtsho, two in Babesa and one each in Simtokha and Hongkong Market).
The boys told police that they lifted cash, jewelry, laptops, mobile phones, and other electronic gadgets and sold them in Jaigaon, India.
The police are are studying burglars’ methods of breaking into homes. The boys told police that before they break-in, they first scan the building and check for keys under the foot mats and on meter boxes. Then, they check if any of the windows or doors is kept open. Breaking the door is the last resort.
“Burglars always look for easy access before breaking in,” said a police.
On August 8, a 19-year-old college student reported to police that a friend of his friend assaulted him. Police arrested the suspect along with another man from the suspect’s house in Babesa after finding eight strips of Spasmoproxyvon, some expensive electronic gadgets, foreign currencies worth Nu 40,000 and a collection of coins, among others.
The men were involved in four burglary cases in July and August. Police recovered from the burglars items like Macbook and mobile phones which the police returned to the rightful owners.
By Dechen Tshomo