Rajesh Rai | Phuentsholing
In order to provide better and faster police service, Phuentsholing police started a Town Police Desk (TPD) yesterday.
According to the Phuentsholing police, until recently they were able to respond to all crime and untoward incidents in the town area and around by the duty personnel at the main gate under the coordinating officer (CO) of main gate.
Most of the complainants and victims directly approached the main gate to report any case.
However, after the establishment of the Integrated Check Post Management Division (ICPMD) the main gate was taken over by the ICPMU and all incidents of crimes were reported at the police station which is a little away from the core town.
Superintendent of police, Colonel Namgay Dorji said the response time attending to cases which mostly occur in the core town has increased and most people do not know the location of the police station.
“The Thromde has allocated a structure in the core town to be used as TPD to function under the police station to resolve such issues,” he said at the opening ceremony yesterday.
He said TPD’s objective is to enhance the safety and security of the community. It is also to reduce the turnaround time to respond to any incidents or crime, he said. The TPD is also expected to be a deterrent to prevent untoward incidents and crime in the core town.
Colonel Namgay Dorji said, “TPD will function as the first responders of crime or any untoward incidents. It will also carry out patrolling in the town for prevention of crime. “And act as a holding room for immediate detention of the suspects and miscreants for preliminary investigation.”
Meanwhile, TPD infrastructure was a public toilet before and thromde was planning to dismantle it as it was not being used optimally. However, thromde invested Nu 900,000 to convert it into the TPD.
Located near the three-storied multi-car parking building, the TPD, Colonel Namgay Dorji said will serve as a strategic centre. “This is because the multi-car parking is planned to be converted into Phuentsholing’s kaja throm.”
Thrompon Uttar Kumar Rai, who was present during the opening said Phuentsholing police has contributed so much to the safety and security of Phuentsholing.
“TPD is Phuentsholing police’s initiative to further strengthen the community’s safety. We can make this city the safest in the country. We will always support the police.”