Staff Reporter
A 23-year-old policeman died on the way to hospital after he was stabbed when trying to break a fight between two friends on Tuesday.
The incident occurred at around 11:30pm in Bonday, Paro.
According to police, the victim was sleeping when the suspect and one of his friends got into a fistfight.
During the fight, the suspect, who is from Trashigang, got hold of a knife.
Another friend who was cooking in the kitchen snatched the knife from the suspect and hid it. However, the suspect grabbed another knife.
That is when the 20-year-old victim woke up and tried to snatch the knife. In the process, he was stabbed.
The policemen were under the influence of alcohol, according to a source. The two engaged in the fistfight are under custody.
Four of them were a part of police force deployed by the Special Reserve Police Force (SRPF), Tashigatshel in Chukha on a temporary quarantine duty. Paro police are investigating the case.