Chencho Dema
Punakha – The narrow, winding stretch of road between the tourist viewpoint and Punakha Central School in Lekithang will be widened to improve safety of pedestrians, especially school children.
This stretch of road has been deemed particularly risky for students and other pedestrians due to its narrowness and lack of a footpath.
The distance between the tourist viewpoint and the school is less than a kilometre.
As part of the small development project activities under the 13th Plan, the Punakha Dzongkhag administration has approved the road widening from Mochhu parking to Khuruthang town.
An estimated budget of Nu 40.17 million has been allocated for this project, which is expected to be completed between 2024 and 2025.
The narrow road has posed significant problems, especially during school days and office hours, with students from Punakha Central School facing safety concerns and the risk of accidents.
In addition to the road widening, a footpath will be constructed from Mochhu parking to Punakha Central School, with a budget of Nu 6.213 million. This will address the safety concerns for pedestrians.
Most students said that they are happy with the news and look forward to the new footpath.
The issue of the road’s dangers was highlighted during the third Dzongkhag Tshogdu session on May 29 last year.
Although there have been a few incidents involving cattle, no accidents related to pedestrians have been reported along this stretch of road.
The narrow road also poses risks to drivers due to the hills on one side and cliff on the other.
A 38-year-old driver from Changyuel said that in certain stretches, it is difficult for two vehicles to pass through. “If the driver is not experienced, you can either crash onto the cliff or fall into Mochhu or Punatshangchu,” he added.
The dzongkhag is also planning other improvements under the small development project activities, including installation of streetlights and CCTV in Khuruthang town. A budget of Nu 15.870 million has been allocated for these projects.
Meanwhile, a footpath connecting Mochhu parking to Changyuel village is already under construction, with a budget of Nu 14.5 million.